Welcome to The Rhythm of Rebellion!
I am so excited to introduce you to my new podcast! Twice a month, starting in January, I will be interviewing some of the leading social change performing artists from the U.S. and around the globe. Having worked as a social change performing artist for over twenty years, I have met some incredible people along my travels, some well-known and some lesser known, but all contributing in profound ways to bring justice and healing to their communities and our world. These performing artists are from across disciplines including singers, poets, hip hop emcees, and actors, from diverse genres and movements. I am so excited to introduce some of these folks to you in the first season of The Rhythm of Rebellion podcast!
I would love for you to record a question for one of our upcoming guest artists with your phone or computer and then email me at: info@rhythmofrebellion.com. Each month I will be announcing our upcoming guests on my Facebook and Twitter pages. Each episode I will choose a question to be played and the answered by my guest artist.
Be sure to sign up for our email updates and subscribe on iTunes, SoundCloud, GooglePlayMusic or Stitcher to make sure you never miss an episode. And if you like the episode please leave a review! Thanks!
See you on the airwaves!